* epoikodomhtiko post
To Corel einai o Satanas.

>> epekseghmatikh eikona tou epoikodomhtikou post
Aurio parousiazw th diplwmatikh.
Afierwnw to this is the end twn Doors se olous tous sympasxontes, m' ena tanker filakia ( kai poly antilalo ). An epibiwsw tha to mathoume syntoma, alla prepei na parw ta metra mou.
1_To Electone to afhnw sth Lena mpas kai to ektimhsei afou pethanw, an kai de tha prepe afou de tha rthei sthn parousiash.
2_To laptop to afhnw sthn Alexia na ta kanei polla, an kai de tha prepe afou de tha rthei sthn parousiash.
3_Ta akinhta ta afhnw ston Aleko na ta xtisei, an kai de tha prepe afou de tha rthei sthn parousiash.
4_ To fouskwto palati to afhnw sto Mitso kai to Stamath na xorophdane parea an kai de tha prepe afou de tha erthoun sthn parousiash.
5_Ta blog ta afhnw sth Villy an kai de tha prepe giati de tha erthei sthn parousiash ( ta password ta exei o symvolaiografos )
6_Sth mama mou den afhnw tpt ( den kserw an thelei na mou dwsei ayth tpt, xoes k.t.l...) giati etsi prepei afou oute ayth tha erthei sthn parousiash.
Osoi apo sas katharmata to diavasete kai niwsete enoxes ayrio stis 4 sto aithrio...
New Blog : )
http://my-dose.blogspot.comEdw tha sas postarw th dosh sas.