The Tijuana Sounds of the Living Brass

01. Lady of Spain
02. Fowl Play
03 . The other man's grass is always greener; Funny bone
04. Las chiapanecas
05. Carmen
06. There's a kind of hush
07. Fiesta en Acapulco
08. Windy
09. Adoro; Segundo carino
10. Zabadak
+The Golden Shield Illustrator Movie

The Golden Shield Movie
People's Republic Of China
An increase in the demand for broadband connection has triggered the launch of an 800 million dollar project.
The Golden Shield is the Communist Party's largest single investment in the ideological field since it gained control of China in 1949.
Since April 15 2007, the Golden Shield's advanced science and technology has been monitoring every thought and action of those Chinese people who use the Internet.
17,000 Internet cafes have been shut down.
A group of cyber anarchists called the Chaos Computer Club is working against the government to disable the firewalls and give freedom back to the people. me direct link gia free download )
+palaisBulles by Pierre Cardin
Ma einai toso stroggylo!

Hthiko didagma: Vlepete arte !( to kanali...)
+blooming tea

An den einai ayto conceptual green design den kserw ti einai! Ena tsai to opoio ftiaxnoun oi asiates apo tote pou oute ki aytoi thymountai.Sth sygkekrimenh kathgoria anaferontai kai ws display teas. Ayto me to Giasemi einai to kalytero gia mena. Enas vwlos pou otan tou rikseis zesto nero moiazei na anthizei kai na dhmiourgei ena poly omorfo mikro louloudi mesa sto flytzani. Omorfia!

Ayton ton kyrio ton agapame pou mas eftiakse to Zelda.

...kai ayton ton super typo epeidh egrapse th mousikh tou Zelda

Ayton edw pali, tha eprepe na ton agapame giati evgale to fovero Nintendo Breakz v.1 & einai ligotero giapwnezos.

An pali de mas aresei o saskrotch apo panw giati einai stroumpoulos kai eimaste ratsistes mporoume na katafygoume s' aytous edw, dld tous kyrious Videogame Orchestra pou einai ellhnes kai exoun sto site tous everything for d/l.
http://www.videogameorchestra.comNintendo music
+...and the best title award goes to...
a night

Dear Blackfield,
I was dragged to one of your concerts and I think I have some things to tell you.
1. Do something about your drummer. His constant fidgeting is silly and ennoying, maybe he does it on purpose?
2.Aviv looks like Dave Gahan, only uglier and he has an accent.
3.I play barefoot too.
4.Your live was pretty good to my surprise.
+sloganize it
+ Re-information is the process by which the physical world is constructed using information as the fundamental raw material.
+Architecture will exist as the result of interaction of natural, artificial and digital natures - or it won't exist.
+Agriculture is industrialised. Landscape is urbanised.
+The architectural project is no longerdesigned, but negotiated
+Builder: When you buy bananas do you by them by size or by shape?
+Cities should act like ships: do more and more in less space.
+Beyond classical architecture (ritual) and modern architecture (productive) there is an advanced architecture (informational).
nature sucks by merijn bolink (2006)