Meta apo pasa ths Despoinidos
Muse kai*edit* ths filhs
Birbrilo here comes ena top 5 facts gia mena.. ( to opoio btw mou thymise to diafhmistiko fylladiaki tou High Fidelity pou htan gemato me top5s apo tragoudia kai diaforetikes peristaseis, hehe)
goux goux
_1. Latreuw tous eurwpaious komistes kai misw otidhpote giapwneziko( vlepe manga ktl, ektos apo ligo Miyazaki pou anakalypsa prosfatws h anaisxynth,
Princess Mononoke) kai Amerikaniko ( super hrwes me mouskoula). An yparxei kapoios pou pisteuei oti o Bilal kai o Moebius exoun antagwnismo na erthei na vristoume.

_2. Tha kanw 6,5 xronia na teleiwsw ayth th rimadoarxitektonikh giati exw mia voula sto metwpo h opoia me empodizei. H diplwmatikh mou eytyxws einai se kaloutsikh fash opote eimaste aisiodoksoi. Oxi tpt allo, alla h periodos pou eimai twra einai metavatikh kai akrws ekneuristikh.Se ligo th arxisw na vlepw oneira tou typou emena eksw ap to Parisi kai 10 vhmata prin ftasw na skontaftw, na peftw kai na spaw ta moutra mou.
_3.Paraggeila epitelous to mplouzaki me to robotaki apo katopseis paliwn kathedrikwn nawn pou hthela trela ap' to Archinect.

_4. Den antexw alla dromologia. Epitelous mazeuteite oloi se mia polh gia na mhn talaipwroumai ki egw. Oxi alla ktel, trena & aeroplana. To mono kalo teleutaia tha nai h voltoula sto Milano gia th fiera >>
_5. To meshmeri efaga mia poly wraia xwriatikh salata. Akougontas mousikoula kai kanontas refresh kathe 5 lepta sth selida tou profile mou sto
last fm to opoio mou xei ginei monomania teleutaia kai to proteinw anepifylakta.
Oi epomenoi tyxerouldes pou ta thela na synexisoun to top 5 einai oi : h
eleni , o
Kindynos , h
Sadie kai o
Amon Tobin @ BBC Radio 1 (Mary Anne Hobbs)

Mια γευστικότατη δόση απο το νεο του album ("Foley Room" κυκλοφορεί Μάρτη σε CD, ήδη απο τέλη Δεκέμβρη σε mp3 ;), καθώς κι απο το νεο του project με τον Doubleclick.
Amon Tobin – ‘Always’ (Ninja Tunes)
Amon Tobin – ‘Taxidermia’ (End Credit remix)
Amon Tobin & Doubleclick’ – ‘Two Fingers’ (White Label)
Spank Rock – ‘Bump’ (Switch remix) (Big Dadda)
Amon Tobin – ‘Chatty Rhythm’ (Ninja Tunes)
Amon Tobin – ‘Esthers' (Ninja Tunes)
Amon Tobin & Doubleclick – ‘Two Fingers’ (White label)
Amon Tobin – ‘Kitchen Sink’ (Ninja Tunes)
Amon Tobin – ‘Keep Your Distance’ (Ninja Tunes)
Amon Tobin & Doubleclick - 'Two Fingers' (White label)
Spank Rock – ‘What It Look Like’ (Acapella)
Amon Tobin & Doubleclick - 'Two Fingers’ (White label)
Amon Tobin – ‘The Killer's Vanilla’ (Ninja Tunes)
©lick! (36.4mb)
With the term 'non-places', the anthropologist Marc Auge suggested a definition for a new relationship between "time-city" and "space of mobility." The non-places identified by Auge - office parks, stations, motorways, camp sites and caravan parks, airports and train stations, hotel chainsand shopping malls, structures for leisure and even telecommunications networks - constitute new paradigms for everyday scenarios whch are "architecturalised" and, at the same time, forgotten by the culture of architecture. Non-placeswhich indicate, however, this passage from an ideological existentialism to a playful existentialism, related to mobility and consumption but also to the value of leisure. The appearance of large areas set aside for consumption, spectacle and entertainment constitute the clearest example of this progressive reduction of the necessary time elapsing between desire and satisfaction.

For old time' sake
+ I used to love that ceiling effect